Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 


  • How do I get started?

    Please click on the Getting Started Button.  Instructions and the Registration Form is there.

  • Can I change my Registration Form information later?

    Yes.  Click on the Getting Started Button and make your changes on The Registration Form and press the Update Button.

  • How will I know if someone has bought a gift for me?

    You will be contacted by the store where your gift was purchased via cell phone or email.  The email and or phone call will provide the name and phone number of the store where your gift was purchased.  You can call or email them and make arrangements to receive your gift.


  • How can I let my friends and family members know I have registered so they can buy the gifts I have selected?

    When your Registration Form is completely filled out, you will receive a Registration Number.  You can give this Registration Number to Your friends and family members, so they can come to the website & enter your Registration Number and your selections will appear.  If you forget your number, we can still find your selection list based Upon your name, cell phone number, and or email address.

  • Should I check back to see if anyone has purchased something for me from my registered/requested list?

    You can if you like - but you will receive an email message or a cell phone call informing you that a gift has been purchased for you, and the steps to follow to receive your gift.

  • How long is my registration list good for?

    You should update it at least once a year.

  • Will I know who purchased a gift for me?

    There are two ways you can find out who bought a gift for you:


    i.  The purchaser can tell you she/he bought a gift for you.

    II.  When you contact the store to receive your gift - that information will be available.

  • Why do you only have my Name, Email address, Cell phone number and College attending information?

    This is the only information we need for you to have gifts purchased for you.  When you are notified that you have a gift, you can then contact the store where your gift was purchased to make arrangements to receive your gift.